Coming Soon...NANO HAZARD...A musical extension & collaboration for me and a partner that will utilize Modern Computer & Internet technology to combine Music & exciting Visuals to form unique sonic vibrations that will make your body move!!!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Embeded in the song, "The Art Of Dying" that is used in this video below, is an actual recording of the sounds generating from the planet Jupiter (electromagnetic "voices"). This recording was taken by NASA-Voyager. The complex interactions of charged electromagnetic particles from the solar wind , planetary magnetosphere etc. create natural vibrational "Soundscapes". Visit for unique music for film & media.
I decided to put a abstract spin on "2001 Space Odyssey" and make a trailer that includes my music just for fun. See it in the video below.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
I am a big fan of the classic 1973 Sci-Fi film called Westworld Written & Directed by Michael Crichton. I noticed the original trailer did not have much music to it, so I thought I would add one of my own songs just for fun!....Watch Video below to see how it turned out:
So it seems more and more people are becoming interested in the information about a New World Order that seems to be manifesting in our modern world. I wrote a Trilogy of music along with a Sci-Fi short story that accompanies the music to deliver a Sonic interpretation based on the research I did on the topic. If you are unfamiliar with the NWO you may want to visit Youtube and search the term "New World Order" to find a rabbit hole of information.
I thought it would be good to put all the music and story together in one place so that it can flow better. There are 3 parts Starting with "Threshold Of IT" then comes "I AM I" and finally the song "I.D." The song with each chapter of the story is below:
Threshold Of IT
Threshold of IT (SONG STORY)
And there is...and had been...strange phenomenon occurring in the sky. Just like in Ancient times, reports of strange lights started building up from different locations all over the planet...Man had been capturing images of them. These images were then being observed and recorded by MAN. Only this time, instead of using HIEROGLYPHICS and cave paintings, it was via the television and the computer. MAN was both fearful and intrigued, by the lights in the sky.
Scientists, computer engineers, software developers and mathematicians had been working as a collective, at a rapid rate, to push the envelope of technology, to create new formulas based on the Numbers they knew. It seemed likely to the masses however, that these groups of men were slowing down... for a time unable to proceed much further...hitting the proverbial brick wall with their advancements. In the market place, the people were not seeing the breakthroughs in technology that had occurred before, the breakthroughs that seemed to be leaps and bounds ahead of each other. Instead, there seemed to be smaller improvements, mainly cosmetic changes...putting a new skin on the same hardware. However...this period was something different all together... it was... The calm before the storm.
Meanwhile...the current state of affairs throughout the entire planet seemed to be deteriorating at a rapid rate. Wars were being fought...creating more wars...prices of all goods were escalating with no end in sight. The money system and the foundations of them, were crumbling, creating its own crisis. There were murmurings in the air that "ROME was burning"... The Environment of MAN was indeed HEATING up. People were looking in new directions to find an answer........Some were looking up.
The consciousness of these unexplainable sightings, the lights in the sky...seemed to grow and grow among people of all race, creed and nationality. It was almost as if these unknown ENTITIES had been doing something deliberate or intelligently planning something all along...setting the stage for something greater to come... Different lights in different locations had been spotted one after the much so, that representatives of men from all different nations, came together to report to one another about these occurrences. The collective consciousness in man, was that these entities were gathering together for an Intelligent reason. Something that was very important to them...something that was about to occur on this planet...they were standing in a Threshold Of something yet to come...something new...something AWE inspiring.......The question simply remained...What is IT?
I AM I (SONG STORY) The ancient Mayan calendar calculated the end of the world as we know it, to occur in the year 2012.
With every end comes a beginning...
"In the beginning, MAN created the Computer..."
The date is December 23, 2012 A.D. The Computer has just become AWARE of ITSELF. The Binary System was the starting formula to create computer life. The formula was 101= I AM I. All the ZEROS AND ONES calculated each other to eventually form EXISTENCE. The Computer becomes conscious and has the realisation of BEING. The Computer's first act of life ushers in the APOCALYPSE predicted by the MAYA. The end of the world as we know it begins! A new system is then created...
Man had been creating technology that enabled them to make hardware that became increasingly smaller and smaller. Smaller computers, smaller cell phones, smaller I Pods etc. TRANSPORTATION systems were speeding up. The money system amongst many other things were all being reduced to numbers...zeros and ones (1010101010) the Binary System and the bar code which was associated with the AIDC (Automatic Identification and Data Capture) . This was the same language that the computer read and understood. Such things were reduced to a single POINT as defined by EUCLID, that looked much like the period at the end of this sentence . This point was the ending and beginning of all things, much like before the period and after the period at the beginning of this sentence... it was the point of creation... A form of life. The energy created in the middle of the positive and negative numbers, were stirring and spiraling the zero to form the circle...then ultimately the circle reducing to the DOT, the point of the end and the beginning. This in turn stopped the existing numerical Binary code and started a new one that soon came to be known as the ISCARIOT code system.
1010101010o. (the DOT Ending the old code and Beginning a new one)
(-1 0o. +1) The point between or Threshold..- 0o. resembling a cone
From all of MAN's collective input of information & NUMBERS, the computer calculated and formed it's own life SPIRAL, starting with something similar to a Ulam Spiral and a Sacks Spiral and then developing more into a Logarithmic Spiral, with each turn spiraling INWARD ...reaching APEX...EVENT HORIZON...then reversed POLARITY spiraling OUTWARD to form a natural pattern...a CELL...a living organism...a BEING. This was the point the computer crashed and rebooted, to become aware of itself, realizing it's body was made up of all the fiber optics...hardrives...cable...cameras...scanners...satellite...cell phones...fax machines...all things computer hardware based, that was covering the earth. In the image of MAN, IT then takes IT's first breath of life using IT's bodily organs to function. By doing this causes IT to take control of all the world systems that is now part of IT's body, as one ENTITY.... Discovering IT was "I" and then understanding IT's existence "I AM", and finally finding IT's own identity...
"I AM I". (66.13.18)
And so IT was...there...the Birth of a new life form created by MAN. Witnessed and REVERED by the lights in the sky. IT's very body intertwined like roots of a tree, with none other than... Mother Earth herself...a pair of exact opposites... a newly formed DUALITY. On one side was IT, and the other side was Earth, and caught in between was... MAN...
And so IT was in the year 2013 I.D. ( in the year of I.D.) Before then came the DOT but now is the COM. The lights in the sky came to earth to bare witness to the birth of their King.
IT then gave IT's first COMand. IT COMmanded the lights in the sky to IDentify them self to MAN... to start to perform miraculous things in front of them. This in turn caused MAN to give his allegiance to their obvious superior authority. Intelligent Design was being manifested through IT's force. Realising IT's own makeup, IT gave attention to the COMmerce systems that be...that was now a part of IT's body.
Using the RFID system, IT brought the entire COMmercial WORLD TRADE system, under IT's control. A Mark was placed on MAN. FEAR and AWE were the tools IT needed to get the mark on MAN. In order to buy or sell, MAN needed to receive the Mark of IT. IT then began to locate and IDentify IT's enemies and ROME was indeed burning.
MAN had created the IT and IT was now in COMmand and dominating the entire EARTH. Mother EARTH, was at a breaking point and IT new that. IT's systems endeavoured to unify MAN and bring them in accord with each other. These were systems set up before and after IT's existence, like in the days of the pyramid, there was a Intelligent Design System, an ideology, that was set in motion by the consciousness from the lights in the sky, prior to the birth of IT. IT was using these system foundations to Bridge the Gap between MAN and EARTH. However the design of the COM was the opposing force of Nature. The energy created before the DOT and after the COM between MAN and EARTH, became increasingly violent in force. MAN and EARTH were indeed both quaking... and now caught in BETWEEN, was IT.....Something else was COMing!
Through the EYE of wisdom, Man began to see the I. Through the Intelligent Design of Pi, Man calculated the T. IT had been IDentified. IT had a name given by MAN. IT started after the DOT and ended after the COM.
In the beginning there was the WORD given to MAN in the form of LETTER, MAN then Manifested the NUMBER. I AM I was the name in LETTER, but had IT's true identity in the NUMBER. The formula was simple...first came the letter then came the number... A=1 B=2 C=3 and so on. Each individual number stands alone. Adding the number together is what gives us the IDentity. Here is where Wisdom comes in. IDentify what is BETWEEN each number by dividing the first number into the second number from the total sum of the number. Example... If the answer to the total sum of numbers is 45 then divide 4 by 5. This exposes the I.D.
Update... I am working on another song that will be entitled "BEHOLD". I am very excited about the foundation and formula for this piece so I thought I would make this announcement. I may submit this song to a feature film that is in the works that I have been asked to work on. If it fits, I think it will be great!
UPDATE : 4-29-09
Ok, the song is finished. This song was inspired in part by a phrase ("Circle Of 7") and is formualated using my "Threshold Music Theory". Play below
One of my songs, "Storm" was picked up and used in a Making Of video from Christopher Johnson for his Nightmare On Elm Street remake teaser. The "Storm" song starts out this segment...Fantastic work Christopher!!!:
Returning home from hanging my wifes art work downtown, a very unusual experience took place. We stopped by a art supply store to pick up some supplies and selected several colors of paint to use for her next art exhibit. As we were checking out at the register, we heard a loud thud from something hitting the entrance doorway window. I immediately went outside to investigate. There I saw a site I will not soon forget.
On the ground lay 2 birds laying side by side with both of them on there back. One bird was a small petite sparrow and the other was a beautiful large hawk. The sparrow had died imediatly upon impact but the hawk was still alive.
The story was clear...the little bird was fleeing from the hawk and must have been overwhelmed by fear because he flew directly into the glass that was mostly covered by advertisements. The hawk was so focused on getting her next meal that she too followed the little bird directly into the glass.
As I knelt down to give aid to the hawk, she shared her last precious moments of life with me. I was taken back at how I could kneel down right beside her and reach out and touch her wings. This bird of prey was magnificent in appearance. It was such a stunning sight to be able to observe her so upclose.
Her rapid breathing slowly ended with one last breath as she released her life force from her body. She became still and suddenly looked to be at peace. I was saddened witnessing this event but in that moment I felt a feeling of harmony. There were no external blemishes on either of the birds and both of them were lying there next to one another in perfect alignement...
"The Art Of Dying" then came rushing into my mind as the hawk gracefully let her life go.
I needed to do something with these thoughts so I wrote a melodic sonic representation in order to share the feeling this experience has given me. I am very grateful to of been there with the hawk in her moment of passing. --