Song "The Art Of Dying"
Returning home from hanging my wifes art work downtown, a very unusual
experience took place. We stopped by a art supply store to pick up some
supplies and selected several colors of paint to use for her next art exhibit.
As we were checking out at the register, we heard a loud thud from
something hitting the entrance doorway window. I immediately went
outside to investigate. There I saw a site I will not soon forget.
On the ground lay 2 birds laying side by side with both of them on
there back. One bird was a small petite sparrow and the other was a
beautiful large hawk. The sparrow had died imediatly upon impact but
the hawk was still alive.
The story was clear...the little bird was
fleeing from the hawk and must have been overwhelmed by fear because
he flew directly into the glass that was mostly covered by
advertisements. The hawk was so focused on getting her next meal that
she too followed the little bird directly into the glass.
As I knelt down to give aid to the hawk, she shared her last precious
moments of life with me. I was taken back at how I could kneel down
right beside her and reach out and touch her wings. This bird of prey was magnificent in appearance. It was such a stunning sight to be able to observe her so upclose.
Her rapid breathing slowly ended with one last breath as she released her life force from her body. She became still and suddenly looked to be at peace. I was saddened
witnessing this event but in that moment I felt a feeling of harmony.
There were no external blemishes on either of the birds and both of
them were lying there next to one another in perfect alignement...
"The Art Of Dying" then came
rushing into my mind as the hawk gracefully let her life go.
I needed to do something with these thoughts so I wrote a melodic sonic representation in order to share the feeling this experience has given me. I am very grateful to of been there with the hawk in her moment of passing.
witnessing this event but in that moment I felt a feeling of harmony.
There were no external blemishes on either of the birds and both of
them were lying there next to one another in perfect alignement...
"The Art Of Dying" then came
rushing into my mind as the hawk gracefully let her life go.
I needed to do something with these thoughts so I wrote a melodic sonic representation in order to share the feeling this experience has given me. I am very grateful to of been there with the hawk in her moment of passing.