Ok, so I wrote this song,(DISCONNECTING instrumental version)with multiple streams of insperation. The thought of "Disconnecting" from all the madness out there in the world today was one of them. But there is also another form of "DISCONNECTING" and I can only express it with the words below:
Visionaries, leaders and heroes are usually close to the edge of neuroticism and or madness. They've "DISCONNECTED" from normal society that would have protected them and instead moved into the Dark Forest, into the world of fire, or in other words, the World of Original Experince. Original Experience has not been interpreted for the ones who choose this path, and so they have got to work out their life and path for themselves. Either they can take it or they can't. One doesn't have to go far off the interpreted path, the path that has been paved by others, to find themself in very difficult situations and trials.
If one has the courage to face these situations and trials, one will find it will bring a whole new body of possibilities into the Field of Interpreted Experience. This empowers the one with abundant ability.
Rising Above fear and becoming fearless in mind, body and spirit, has been and always shall be, the Threshold for the Hero to pass over. By DISCONNECTING oneself and Letting Go, one discovers the doorway. The doorway that leads to a higher realm of being & consciousness.
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